
2014 - Fall Thru-hiking the Pinhoti

Fall of '14, 350 miles thru-hiking the Alabama/Georgia Pinhoti Trail for 54 days in the cold north country between central Alabama and the edge of Tennessee.

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2014 - A Few Days on the PCT

Two-hundred-twenty miles, walking the Pacific Crest Trail between old Mexico and Ziggy & the Bear's near Palm Springs. Or, backpacking for thirty-ish days while learning that this old body doesn't take to heat like it did at age ten

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2012 - Paddling Around Florida

Yes, really, literally paddling over 1500 miles, with two 10-day no-resupply sections to the Keys, on Florida’s Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddle Trail and ending in Savanna 124 days later. And Hurricane Debbie?; hardly a bother.

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