GET: The two Green Triangles placed 0.1 miles before and after an intersection mark upcoming turns.
GET: Additional info on POI's may be available on Goggle Maps.
GET: ie, search for "m154" and click on the ATM icon near mile mark m154.5 for a Google Street View.
FT: Data is provided 'as-is', with no personal knowledge - visit the author's homesite for additional discussion.
Counties are identified to help with following severe weather alerts.
Map Discussion
Note: Waypoint Labels and GPS Tracks reflect information gathered from
various sources and will vary somewhat from real world locations.
The bulk of this data was acquired from the following sources and personal experience in 2013;
many links are now dead; try
The Georgia Pinhoti from Georgia Pinhoti Association's Guide maintained by Marty Dominy - Eighth Edition The Alabama Pinhoti Trail from Pinhoti Trail Alliance by Hugh 'Solo' Hickman - The Benton MacKaye Trail from the BMT Guide by Sgt Rock - The Great Eastern Trail from the Printable Trail Maps (.pdf) by GET Association - The Appalachian Trail from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy's GIS/GPS pages
The GSMNP Data (trails & campsites) from Tom Dunigan's site - TN Land Formmations The FCTSPT aka CT from the 3rd Edition of the Florida's Circumnavigational Trail Guide
The Florida Trail from GPS/gpx data by 'LilRicky' site - Un-Official Data for Florida Trail
Legends, Menus, & Info Boxes can be hidden by double-clicking their top bar.
Waypoint Names are click-to-display/center. Zoom-in first and then highlight to auto re-position accordingly.
Waypoint Names in the legend can be searched using your favourite browser's [Ctrl-F] function.
Track Names are click-to-hide, then click-to-unhide. Nifty huh?
The Tiny Icon just to right of a Track Name in the legend is click-to-zoom to show track.
The Mouse Cursor position is displayed in lower left; there is a ruler too.
Select alternate Map Types from the dropdown box in top right.
The different Map Types may have different levels of zoom. [Ex. Compare Google terrain vrs US terrain maps]
email: with corrections/suggestions/needs.
This GPS data is freely available in a .gpx format.
A transparent, Garmin friendly map showing the tracks is may be available. Download available files here.
rev: 3c