This map was created using GPS Visualizer's do-it-yourself geographic utilities.
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Map-Rev: 2014-Oct-10c
My trail maps: - Pinhoti Trail - Benton MacKaye Trail & A.T. Loop - Alabama's Premier Roadwalk (GET) - Alabama's Scenic River Trail
Legends, Menus, & Info Boxes can be hidden by double-clicking their top bar.
Note: Waypoint Labels and GPS Tracks reflect
information gathered from
various sources and will vary somewhat from real world locations.
The bulk of this data was acquired from these sources:
The Georgia Pinhoti from Georgia Pinhoti Association's Guide maintained by Marty Dominy - Eighth Edition The Alabama Pinhoti Trail from Pinhoti Trail Alliance by Hugh 'Solo' Hickman - The Benton MacKaye Trail from the BMT Guide by Sgt Rock - The Appalachian Trail from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy's GIS/GPS page
The GSMNP Data (trails & campsites) from Tom Dunigan's site - Hugh 'Solo' Hickman is updating his Pinhoti website - new
Waypoint Names are click-to-display/center. Zoom-in first and then highlight
to auto re-position accordingly.
Waypoint Names in the legend can be searched using your favourite browser's
[Ctrl-F] function.
Track Names are click-to-hide, then click-to-
unhide. Nifty huh?
The Tiny Icon to right of a Track Name in the legend is click-to-zoom to show
The Mouse Cursor position is displayed in lower left; there is a ruler too.
Select alternate Map Types from the dropdown box in top right.
The different Map Types may have different levels of zoom. [Ex. Compare
Google terrain vrs US terrain map]
email: with corrections/suggestions/needs.
This GPS data is freely available in a .gpx format.
A transparent, Garmin friendly map showing the tracks is now available. Download available files here.